reliable indicator

美 [rɪˈlaɪəbl ˈɪndɪkeɪtər]英 [rɪˈlaɪəbl ˈɪndɪkeɪtə(r)]
  • 可靠指标
reliable indicatorreliable indicator
  1. Transitional bradycardia can be used as a reliable indicator for inferior heart wall infarction .


  2. It is stated that emotions are not a reliable indicator of how things are progressing .


  3. The glove measures skin conductivity , a reliable indicator for excitement levels .


  4. Measuring their ability to perform tasks based on the information is a more reliable indicator of its clarity and precision .


  5. This checklist is a reliable indicator of whether or not your present job is a good fit for you .


  6. Through theoretical analysis , we know that CPI is the most reliable indicator to measure the inflation and is widely used .


  7. Progressive increase of bowel wall thickness is a reliable indicator for surgery in patients with adhesive small bowel obstruction


  8. The results suggest that neonatal TSH measurement is the most sensitive and reliable indicator for monitoring IDD .


  9. BNP as a reliable indicator can be more objective and accurate evaluation of left ventricular reconstruction for left ventricular remodeling .


  10. Conclusion NSE can be a reliable indicator in determining the severity of HIE and evaluating the clinical prognosis .


  11. According to a study done in the 1990s , the SAT is only a reliable indicator of a student 's future performance in most cases .


  12. However , Pre-S 1 is located on Dane granule and is a reliable indicator of replication .


  13. The results reveal , comparing with the traditional indicative gas CO , Rn is not only a kind of new but more reliable indicator .


  14. According to Andrew Lawrence of Barclays Capital , the construction of exceptionally tall buildings is a reliable indicator of economic crises in the making .


  15. SICAM-1 is a more reliable indicator of histologic chorioamnionitis than CRP or WBC count in women with preterm labor .


  16. Only previously owned , single-family homes are included in the Case-Shiller survey , which economists consider the most reliable indicator of home values .


  17. Annette is careful to match under sunlight , since the artificial pallor of fluorescent bulbs isn 't a reliable indicator of true color .


  18. As a reliable indicator of long-term water use efficiency in C3 plants , leaf carbon isotope ratios were often used to evaluate the adaptive degree of plants to arid environments .


  19. Speech that is slow , because it is laced with pauses or errors , is a more reliable indicator of lying than the opposite .


  20. The Repurchase Intention , or RI , is a reliable indicator of psychological measurement of customers repurchase behavior , also is one of the main measurement indicators of customer loyalty .


  21. The spread of prostate cancer to the pelvic lymph nodes is the most reliable indicator that the patient will have a poor prognosis , with disease recurrence and progression likely .


  22. For the past century , an increase in the number of residential building permits issued per month in a particular region has been a reliable indicator of coming improvements to that region 's economy .


  23. There was significant difference . Conclusion : ACS group blood serum level of hs-CRP and IL-6 obviously is higher than control group , explained hs-CRP and IL-6 are the reliable indicator of inflammation reaction .


  24. With the example , it is indicated that the RMS with 95 % confidence measure is a reliable indicator and different kinds of errors can be found with the method of crosscheck based on ping .


  25. From the general trend , the capacity of automatic informationprocessing ( pre-attentive processing ) declined gradually . It indicates that MMN can bea reliable indicator for real-time monitoring of mental fatigue .


  26. The simulation results showed that the construction cost had decreased by 8 % in comparison with the original design at the premise of the reliable indicator of mechanical properties and task performance of the structure meeting or exceeding all normative values .


  27. By theoretical analysis , the following conclusions : ( 1 ) The same unit in the different degree of stiffness damage , a reliable indicator of the element stiffness greater the damage simply supported beam is smaller , the probability of failure increases .


  28. For more than a century , the cyclical price / earnings ratio where share prices are compared with average earnings over the last 10 years rather than merely the latest year has been a reliable indicator of market cycles ( see chart ) .


  29. While Goldman admits that buybacks are not always a reliable indicator of stock outperformance , since March 2009 , stocks with new repurchase agreements have outperformed the S & P around the announcement of the buybacks .


  30. The relative hazard ratio of TS grade was 1.197 . Conclusions The expression of TS may be one of the important prognostic indicator for gastric carcinoma and a relatively reliable indicator for whether 5 FU should be used in the treatment of gastric carcinoma .
